Emergency Withdraw option

In the fast-paced world of cryptocurrency investing, the ability to adapt to changing circumstances is invaluable. At Bank Ai, we understand this need and offer an Emergency Withdrawal option for those unexpected times when accessing your funds early becomes essential. While we encourage a commitment to your staking plan for the best possible returns, we recognize that sometimes, life has other plans.

Variable Emergency unstaking Fee

To maintain the balance and fairness of our staking ecosystem, we've implemented a variable Emergency unstaking Fee. This fee adjusts based on two key factors:

  • Timing of Withdrawal: The closer your emergency withdrawal is to the start of your staking period, the higher the fee will be. This graduated fee structure is designed to discourage early withdrawals and support the stability of the staking pool. It's worth noting, in the interest of maintaining a robust ecosystem, the minimum fee applied to any emergency withdrawal is set at 50%.

  • Amount Withdrawn: The fee also varies with the amount of tokens you need to withdraw. This ensures that the impact on the staking ecosystem is minimized and remains fair to all participants.

Purpose of the Fee Structure

This variable fee approach serves several important purposes:

  • Ecosystem Health: It helps keep the rewards pool healthy and sustainable, ensuring a rewarding experience for everyone involved.

  • Encourages Commitment: By adjusting the fee based on how soon you withdraw, we aim to encourage participants to stay committed to their staking plan, supporting the growth and stability of the ecosystem.

  • Fair Redistribution: Fees collected from emergency withdrawals are put back into the rewards pool, benefiting those who continue to participate according to their staking commitments.

Initiating an Emergency Withdrawal

The process for initiating an Emergency Withdrawal is straightforward, designed to ensure you can access your funds transparently and efficiently. We recommend you carefully consider the financial impact of this decision, given the significant fee for early unstaking.

Before You Withdraw

  • Assess Your Needs: Consider whether the need for immediate liquidity outweighs the benefits of staying committed to your staking period.

  • Understand the Financial Impact: Be aware that withdrawing your stake early will reduce the overall return due to the fee.

  • Consider Your Financial Strategy: Think about how this decision fits into your wider financial plans and future participation in staking opportunities.


The Emergency Withdrawal option is here for when you need access to your funds unexpectedly. Although this option comes with a fee, it ensures the staking ecosystem remains strong and beneficial for those who stick to their staking plans. We encourage thoughtful consideration and planning to make the most of your investment with Bank Ai.

Last updated