Anti-Bot Protection
Max transaction (tokens per trade):
Indicate the maximum number of tokens that can be bought or sold in a single transaction. This limit is crucial for preventing market manipulation and ensuring a more stable and fair trading environment for all participants.
Max tokens per wallet (max holding amt):
Specify the maximum number of tokens that any single wallet can hold. This measure is designed to promote equitable distribution of tokens and prevent dominance by a few large holders.
Sniper Auto-Burn:
Our project implements an Optional Sniper Auto-Burn mechanism to deter sniping and ensure a fair launch. The feature includes:
A 20% tax on purchases in the first block, gradually reducing to 13.33% in the second block, 6.66% in the third, and finally, 0% from the fourth block onward.
The proceeds from this anti-snipe tax are immediately burned, effectively reducing the total supply of tokens.
This mechanism does not generate additional revenue for the project but serves as a strategic tool to discourage sniping activities during the token launch.
By implementing the Sniper Auto-Burn feature, we aim to protect the integrity of a token's launch process, ensuring that all participants have an equal opportunity to engage without the disruption caused by sniping.
Last updated