Initial Liquidity
Choose a DEX and Pair:
Select the Decentralized Exchange (DEX) where you wish to provide initial liquidity for your token. In the adjacent field, choose the counterpart asset (such as ETH or USDC) that you'll pair with your token. This liquidity pairing is essential, as it determines the initial trading pair and provides the necessary market depth for transactions to occur smoothly on the chosen DEX platform.
Your Token's Starting Market Capitulation:
Enter the amount of ETH (or the chosen counterpart asset) you plan to pair with your token to establish your project's market capitalization at launch. This initial market cap is a significant indicator of your project's size and potential investment value. It is calculated based on the total supply of tokens multiplied by the price per token at launch.
Locking Your Token's Liquidity:
A. Locking liquidity is a commitment that helps build trust with investors by ensuring that the liquidity cannot be removed, which protects against the risk of 'rug pulls'. After the lock period expires, you have the option to extend the lock or release the liquidity.
B. Decide on the duration for which you want to lock the initial liquidity provided.
Burn Your Tokens Liquidity:
Opt for this if you decide to permanently remove the liquidity tokens of the initial liquidity from circulation by sending it to a burn address. Burning liquidity tokens is a definitive action that eliminates the ability to remove or modify your tokens initial liquidity pool , thereby often increasing the token's safety and potentially its value. This is a strong signal to the market of the team's confidence in the project's longevity.
Last updated